Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head… and They Slide Right Off
Why are forever chemicals showing up in rain around the world?
Why are forever chemicals showing up in rain around the world?
Two more reasons to take your shoes off.
A poem and reflection on the many other-than-human forest bathers that are always with you
It doesn’t get simpler, or deeper, than this.
Literally and figuratively, these are two essential skills worth nurturing.
This summer, we’ll be exploring civilizational collapse, so grab a cool drink and enjoy!
A prescient meme for the climate breakdown era.
Jeremiah Jones reflects on the life, death, and the potential rebirth of rivers.
This week’s essay, by Bart Everson, explores the history, and perhaps the future, of Gaianism.
While Independence Day may be an American holiday, Interdependence Day should be a global, and Gaian, holiday!
My hopefully brief encounter with, and meditation on, Lyme Disease
There’s sometimes a fine line between exercise and meditation. Here are a few exercises that blur that line a bit farther, while connecting you to Gaia a bit further.