Below you’ll find the latest schedule for our upcoming online events. For local (in-person) offerings visit here.

All conversations and discussions are on Zoom.

Also, directly below is a Google Calendar that includes Gaian events and holidays, the moon phases, and celestial events (last courtesy of the New York Times space calendar). For local Gaian Guild events, visit this page.

Note: events are displayed in Eastern Time (but will adjust if you import this calendar). You can do that by clicking the + at the bottom right of the calendar (near “Google Calendar”).

Becoming Earth Discussion with Ferris Jabr (Wednesday, 1/15 at 1pm ET)

The author of Becoming Earth will join us to discuss his book. Bring your questions! Zoom link is here.

Gaian Cross-quarter Conversation (Sunday, 2/2 at 6pm ET)

Half way between winter and spring (or summer and fall in the South). Join us to chat and catch up. Zoom link is here.

Can Mindful Use of the Internet Support the Gaian Way (Thursday, 2/13 at 1pm ET)

Many of us are deeply ensnared with computer technology in general and the internet in particular. The harm to ourselves and others was already in evidence, and then the pandemic hit with its rise in online meetings, TikTok, and the subsequent AI craze. Society as a whole seems to have become even more deeply enmeshed in an alternate (mediated) reality. The connection between “technopathology” (including the damage to our focus and attention) and Gaian practices is worth exploring. As is how mindful use of the Internet can support Gaian community and practices. Yes, it’s another Zoom meeting! But specifically to discuss all the other Zoom meetings, etc. that tend to erode and distract from our sense of the sacred, our time in nature, and what is truly essential. Be forewarned, we have no easy answers waiting up our sleeves. This conversation is an opportunity to build community and exchange ideas. Zoom link is here.

The Serviceberry Discussion (Early March)

We’ll discuss The Serviceberry, Robin Wall Kimmerer’s latest book. Bring a favorite passage or question to share with the group. Specific date still being determined. Vote for the time and date via Doodle poll here. You can read a review here, but it’s worth reading (and it’s short!) On Zoom.

Equinox Celebration (Around March 20, Date Time TBD)

It’s spring! (or fall in the South). Join us for a celebration to welcome the spring (and the harvest). Doodle poll will be posted in 2025. Zoom link is here.

Introduction to the Gaian Way (Mid-April Date/Time TBD)

Interested in learning more about the philosophy and practices of the Gaian Way? Join us for an introduction and discussion. And bring your questions. Zoom link is here.

Gaian Conversation Chain (April/May)

Get to know your fellow community members in this chain of one-on-one conversations. Email Erik if you want to be included in the mix. We’ll send out a final list to participants by 3/22.

Earth Day (April 22)

Find a service project in your area to participate in.

Gaian Cross-quarter Conversation (Time/Date TBD)

Half way between spring and summer (or fall and winter in the South). Join us to chat and catch up. Zoom link is here.

#DoNothingForTheClimateDay (May 8)

Just do nothing today. Learn more about this uniquely Gaian holiday and how to celebrate here.