Can We Talk About Religion?
Religion can be a polarizing word. But it doesn’t need to be. This week Bart Everson explores the meaning and mystery of religion.
Religion can be a polarizing word. But it doesn’t need to be. This week Bart Everson explores the meaning and mystery of religion.
If we can’t end racism, we can never achieve true sustainability.
A short reflection on the power of words and how we use them to part.
How a religious system has played a key role in preventing total deforestation of Ethiopia and what we, Gaians, can learn from this.
Two difficult lessons from the film, Planet of the Humans, worth discussing.
In exploring the four dimensions of change, it becomes clear that we, ourselves, are at the center of that change—and that this process is a lifelong journey, not a sprint.
If we were to take our CRISPR (Clipper of Religion Inspired Systems Producing eco-Renaissance) to snip the best bits of religions to build a new philosophical system, what elements would we harvest?
Lessons from Eyam and Early Christians to help our communities better deal with disease outbreaks.
Lessons from Lazarus on communicating about hell—and the looming climate crisis.
Unlike the western concept of God, Gaia is not all-knowing, all-powerful, or all good. Instead Gaia is limited in power, in sentience, and is abenevolent. In other words, unlike God, Gaia is vulnerable. And we are in direct relationship with Her. How does that shape this philosophy? And our understanding of suffering?
How the made-up guru, Kumaré, reveals the true power of religious community.