Resolving to…
What are your New Year Resolutions this year? Can you think of one that makes both you and Gaia better off?
What are your New Year Resolutions this year? Can you think of one that makes both you and Gaia better off?
An argument for why Gaians can be but do not have to be vegans or vegetarians.
Nature’s language is being co-opted by the techno-sphere. Can we stop this? How can we reclaim our linguistic heritage?
Is a deeper understanding of what changes are truly necessary missing in the climate movement?
How does Gaia’s Wrath compare to God’s? Less predictable? More knowable? And how shall we respond?
As the climate emergency draws near, what should be in our go-bags, our supply closets, and especially our skill sets?
Does our anxiety stem from disconnect? Overconnection? Or a lack of purpose?
The crisis is accelerating. What can and should we do in this brief remaining window of stability?
Why every environmentalist and collapsitarian should study the martial arts…
A storm is coming. And we feel it. What do we do with these last moments in the calm we have remaining?