Recognizing Horseshoe Crab’s Wisdom with a U.S. postage stamp
Angelina Reddy and Erik Assadourian propose creating a US postage stamp to honor Horseshoe Crab.
Angelina Reddy and Erik Assadourian propose creating a US postage stamp to honor Horseshoe Crab.
As embodied beings, how do we learn to allow the body to lead, rather than the mind?
A Top Five List of Gaian Reflections to read over the holidays!
Part II of an exploration of whether giving blood is a Gaian act….
There are things other than money that make for more valuable gifts.
On pet ownership and religion’s unquestioning embrace of this form of hyperconsumption.
Angelina Reddy explores the transition between the flowering season and the fruiting season.
Some highlights from discussing space exploration and colonization for a week.
Bart Everson explores the links between solstice and Global Degrowth Day
Applying newly learned religious studies terms to the Gaian Way after the “Myth, Ritual and Practice for the Age of Ecological Catastrophe”
Exploring both the value of embodiment and meditation