A Basket of Brief Meditation Exercises
Five easy meditation exercises for you to try (weather or location dependent in some cases)
Five easy meditation exercises for you to try (weather or location dependent in some cases)
Two new Gaian Kōans help us explore the universe and the nature of Gaia.
If we can’t end racism, we can never achieve true sustainability.
A short reflection on the power of words and how we use them to part.
With the next Gaian Conversation focusing on what Gaianism is all about, I couldn’t help but get personal this week.
Two difficult lessons from the film, Planet of the Humans, worth discussing.
Kōans are riddles and stories that help deepen understanding. Could they be used to cultivate our deeper understanding of Gaia?
Is there wisdom that could be gleaned from a new ecocentric version of The Book of Job?
What if we applied Taoist and Zen wisdom to the coronavirus pandemic?
Is the universe and human life truly without meaning? If so, can we live our lives in ways that extract meaning from that meaninglessness?