Unceded Territories and Untreated Wounds
What if we started every public gathering with this simple mantra? “Before we begin, let us acknowledge that we are on the infected, lesioned, and festering skin of Gaia.”
What if we started every public gathering with this simple mantra? “Before we begin, let us acknowledge that we are on the infected, lesioned, and festering skin of Gaia.”
Nature’s language is being co-opted by the techno-sphere. Can we stop this? How can we reclaim our linguistic heritage?
Is a deeper understanding of what changes are truly necessary missing in the climate movement?
Orcas in captivity often have their dorsal fins flop over—most likely from their restricted movement. What bodily ailments do you suffer from due to your captivity in the consumer culture?
Does our anxiety stem from disconnect? Overconnection? Or a lack of purpose?
All around us is Greensong—the sounds, vibrations, smells, and tastes of a living planet. Can you sense it? Are you listening? What does it tell you?