Lyme, Lyme, Go Away, Please Don’t Come Another Day
My hopefully brief encounter with, and meditation on, Lyme Disease
My hopefully brief encounter with, and meditation on, Lyme Disease
This week’s reflection, by Bart Everson, explores the illusion of separation and how this can be a source of suffering.
Responding to an essay that makes some inaccurate assumptions about Gaianism.
How a die-in at the state capitol reinforced the value of meditating like a corpse.
A story about a girl who helped another, and who in turn was helped as well.
What do a Children’s Scifi Novel and a Tibetan Buddhist Meditation Have in Common?
Answer: They both suggest a similar way to draw in suffering and send out relief.
How does Gaia’s Wrath compare to God’s? Less predictable? More knowable? And how shall we respond?